Case study
Innovation Workshop
Putting time aside to develop creative solutions to complex challenges is not easy, especially when you decide to bring together the best and most diverse brains in an organisation and allocate just one day to complete the task.
Our client was looking for an alternative way to support a hand-picked, cross-functional team to come up with fresh thinking to overcome a specific challenge.
Our role was to facilitate a creative process that enabled the team to develop an ABPI-compliant project outline for a global innovations competition in one day, with no follow up actions or workstreams for anyone involved
The environment and process stimulated creative thinking, and the team developed nine exciting project ideas. The boss felt all of these were worth exploring as potential projects. The process was so effective that the team decided that two of the ideas were strong enough to submit to the competition.
Thank you for an excellent workshop; the post-meeting buzz was very strong. The write up is excellent and demonstrates how well you ran the event and the fact we nailed the objective for the day. Massive thanks for all the work in preparation and on the day.